After Hours AM psychic medium Armand Egidi 1-2-16

After Hours AM psychic medium Armand Egidi 1-2-16


On this cool addition of After Hours AM we welcome back world famous psychic medium Armand Egidi. This go around, Armand reads callers and answers your questions. About Armand, "Where there is darkness I bring light. Where there is misunderstanding I bring clarity. To say that I love what I do would be an understatement. I’m a psychic medium and spiritual teacher driven in this life to bring forth awareness and healing through love and connection to the spiritual world. While my home is in New Jersey, I travel the world offering my services to those who seek closure, healing, and understanding. Your spiritual awakening is on the horizon. I am thrilled to serve as your psychic guide on the path to peace, happiness and knowledge.
From a very young age I “knew” things that I simply should not know. My mother recounts the story when I was merely three years old; I “knew” that she was slightly irritated with my noisy play. Despite having never said a word out loud I was able to repeat verbatim what she was thinking. For years after that I could feel and know what people were thinking. Others have referred to this clairvoyant ability as a sensitivity or innate ability to understand thoughts and feelings, I have always referred to this psychic ability as “the knowing.” People often ask how I am able to know these private thoughts but for me it’s as second nature as breathing or blinking. I simply “know.” It was during these early years that I realized I had an ability most people did not possess, however I was not fully aware that it was my destiny to become a spiritual psychic.
Without a solid understanding of how my psychic abilities could help others I drifted through my teen years into early adulthood seeking my true purpose in my life. There was always something missing. When I made the firm decision to live a clean and sober life it was literally like the curtain had been lifted. My cognitive abilities began to surface at an accelerated rate, my “knowing” was stronger and with increased accuracy. During those years I came to understand and refine my intuitive abilities. I discovered and developed my relationship with my spirit guides and though their guidance I have become the spiritualist that I am today. So many people found the information I could provide to be helpful and healing. I had finally found my purpose.
As a psychic medium and consultant I have dedicated my life to serving as a communication highway between this world and the spiritual world. I live by the philosophy that there is more to the world than meets the eye. I have always been fascinated by the metaphysical world and spirituality in general, which has guided my own personal journey to see through the veil that bridges this world to the next. My mission in this life is to bring forth awareness of healing, love and understanding through the connection of spirit, while teaching others how to open up to their own spiritual potential.
Throughout my life I have embarked on a spiritual journey, recognizing the underlying truth that binds us all together: there is more to life than this world. As we travel along our path, gaining spiritual knowledge and clarity, the veil between our world and the other side begins to diminish. Even though our loved ones leave us and pass over to the other side they are still very much with us. Thank you for allowing me to serve as a your psychic guide along this exciting and rewarding journey. I look forward to helping you connect with the other side."
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