Dezpair - HIPNOTEHIGHS CHRYSANTHEMUM - McKenna's Major League DMT Revelations

Dezpair - HIPNOTEHIGHS CHRYSANTHEMUM - McKenna's Major League DMT Revelations


(((((three strike rule)))))
YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE THIRD HIT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND YOU ARE NEARING HOME PLATE....if the PLAYER can not find HOME then HOME cannot be FOUND....1st Base is overwhelmingly crowded with the majority amount of Players they will be the ones that need to comment and critique. Even-though the 1st Base Player's are clueless to the nature of the universe they will believe in their majority that only a fool would steal 2nd Base and believe THAT THIS TRACK IS COMPLETE AND PERFECT EXACT IN IT'S CHRYSANTHEMUM
BLOOMING there is only the chance to re experience in the moment and by pass the Short Stop whom is only there to intimidate in the interest of 1st Base...(starting the song over before it has ended is revolution and listening to the song in it's completeness numerous times can break the cycle of opinion instead of interpretation. Air flight is possible 1st Base is aware of this but avoids discussion having to do with themselves not being able to see the DMT BASEBALL FIELD without Re-evaluating once again their role in the scheme of the GAME...not even the scoreboard is close to defining what we are doing in the Coliseum to begin with..the Paranormal Porpoise is told he has the Shark and his Predator Terrorizing ways as an appoint however this is not told to the Paranormal Porpoise by way of Eco Location so he just has fun with the Ball when in fact the Porpoise has been communicating with the Creator of the Collosium since before the 1st Base Players were allowed to take the Plate and leave the Bench... we have been blessed with,..which is the "NOW" and we could not have that time if it were not for the fact that TIME TRAVEL is possible. He who has not taken the third hit could say while undermining this "FACT"...WHAT A WASTE OF TIME - however scared or terrified the player is will determine when he leaves 2nd Base
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