Murder, Mystery & Unsolved Cases#7 Tonight 10pm. With Rose, Steve, Perry, Rusty PT 2

Murder, Mystery & Unsolved Cases#7 Tonight 10pm. With Rose, Steve, Perry, Rusty PT 2

Murder, Mystery & Unsolved Cases#7 Tonight 10pm. With Rose, Steve, Perry, Rusty PT 2.

Information on all cases are hear say, we can not prove these are the spirits of the victims nor can we prove the information they are telling us are True Facts, Some spirits can Lie and pretend to be said victims, we do not pass any information we collect to the enforcement agencies as it is just Hear say information these spirits are telling us.

1:Anyone advertising there channel or any other channel without asking ME first. will be warned then 2nd time Blocked.

2:Anyone complaining about the way i do my Pendulum will be warned and then Blocked.

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5: No Trolls Allowed as they will be BLOCKED right away.

6: Swearing and disrespecting MYSELF and saying im faking stuff( I DONT FAKE SHIT)and my channel Direct Block right away.

7: Asking me to get GHOST's/Spirits to do things or Provoke Spirits ghosts will be warned on a time out.

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9: NO Talking about World News and Terrorist, and other World NEWS Crap:..This is a paranormal Channel were here to talk Paranormal, if you want to talk World News then go open a channel/Stream yourself,NO SEX TALK Talk Paranormal or leave my Stream.OK
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