Why it's important to look within for our own truth - The truth about spiritual awakening

Why it's important to look within for our own truth - The truth about spiritual awakening

We had this conversation over 2 years ago in 2018 and upon revisiting the Now Debate in question, (where we discussed Alex Jones) we felt it needed to be shown in it's own video as it is so important now in 2020.

Why we need to look within to find truth?

So many people think they know it all, whether you follow the mainstream media, conspiracy theorists, friends family or any Guru, we always seem to get our beliefs from sources outside our own inner knowing. Yet isn't right to ask ourselves the question, "what do I feel about all this going on in the world right now?" What does it mean to me.

There is so much division in the world right now that it is hard to see the forest through the trees. One group says one thing and one group says another and everything is politicised and Polarised. Humanity is facing unprecedented times and now more than ever we need to come together to resolve the mountains of issues we face, personally in terms of mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing, and collectively in terms of how we relate to each other, ourselves, our environment, technology and sense of reality.

So how do we do it.

We stop and take the time to look within ourselves and then look at those who stand before us and ask the question genuinely and without judgement "why do they believe what they believe?" Only then when we attempt to see the world through each others eyes can we move forward and find the common ground we need to make the much needed changes in this world we all need to see.

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