A Return to Union Cemetery in Easton, CT - Evening Investigation and Night-time Drive of the Area

A Return to Union Cemetery in Easton, CT - Evening Investigation and Night-time Drive of the Area

(Now with completed timestamps for the ghost box voices we captured! Click here and scroll down for the timestamps.)

This investigation took place on June 2, 2023. Although we didn't catch much in terms of sounds and partial apparitions (like we did the last time we came up--when it wasn't fully filmed!!), I brought back the ghost box app and captured some very interesting sounds and voices--including a scream that came through the app AFTER I had turned it off. This is definitely a must-see, just for the ghost box sessions alone. Union Cemetery never disappoints. (As a quick side-note, I have to mention that ghost/spirit boxes are never intended to be "games" or "toys," and should not be taken lightly...similar to Ouija boards and other such devices.)

I included the exact times, and the words/phrases that I thought were being said, during the ghost box sessions. Feel free to correct me by leaving a comment!

17:35: "George"

17:40: "Yes"

17:44: all I can make out is the last word, "Serious."

17:50: "George"

17:55: "George" (more clearly this time)

18:05: "George is..." (the rest I can't make out)

18:10: "George"

18:19: "Yes" (I asked if it was the lady in white)

18:30: I asked why they stay here, and I think I got "Because of George"

18:38: I thought I heard it say "It's wonderful," and I asked what is wonderful about it. It clearly then said "George." WTF?

18:55: It said my name, "James"

19:00 I said don't say my name, it creeps me out. So it said "James" again. Lol

19:51: I thought it said "Jesus," but I don't know for sure

20:00: I said thank you, and it clearly said "You're welcome."

20:05: The male voice said "Baby." Two syllables, like "Bay-Be."

20:20: I said I wasn't able to catch everything being said, but the voice said "Idiot" or "Hideous"

20:50: I asked how many spirits are in the cemetery, and it said "Who knows?"

21:06: "Sweet"

21:12: A creepy female voice said "It's ok"

21:40: The same female, but I can't make it out. Can you? One of our investigators thought it said "You're soul."

22:00 "George" (I thought it said James, but it didn't)

22:06 "George" (again!)

22:21: We think it's saying "I need your soul." The a second, female voice chimes in and says "I need it too." Which honestly, may make us never return to this cemetery again. This one really scares me, I admit it.

22:57: "Can somebody please help me?"

23:03: A gasp or scream, as I turned off the ghost box. This was probably the creepiest capture.

23:57: "Waiting?" Or "Weary?" Something with a "W."

24:02: "For Jesus." (The second part of "Waiting," perhaps?)

24:54: To me, it sounds like "I'm so sorry."

25:16: What could be a laugh of some kind.

25:22: "You're crazy."

25:31: "Too gross," or "You're gross." Thanks. Ha ha.

25:42: "Misunderstood."

26:12: Can anyone make this out?

26:22: "I said" or "Absurd."

26:52: "George."

27:01: A female voice: "I'm scared."

27:30: The weird female voice again. Can you make it out?

27:38: "Unholy."

27:56: As I turned the ghost box app off, it said "Good boy."

29:59: "Who is this?"

30:08: "You're stupid."

30:14: "Dim-witted." (I sense a pattern here...)

58:08: Something related to "Your son" (?)

58:31: "Are you serious?"

59:08: "George."

59:18: Something about being "jealous."

59:47: "I'm so done" (or "I'm so tired").

1:00:01: "I can't" (?)

1:00:21: This was really weird, but we can't fully make it out.

1:02:02: "Shut up."

1:02:13: Again, I have no idea what this says.

1:02:21: Our investigator asked where the lady in white is, and a female voice responded with "Somewhere."

1:03:00: Our investigator said "I would like to see her" (regarding the lady in white), and a female voice said "See me."

1:03:17: "Don't want to."

1:03:22: "She's suffering."

1:03:32: A weird female voice again that I can't make out.

1:03:38: Here it sounds like the female gives a full sentence, which is very rare for this ghost box app.

1:04:42: "Swept" or "she wept."

1:04:56: "It doesn't make sense" or "That makes no sense."

1:06:18: "No use."

1:06:28: "You're horrible" or "deplorable." We couldn't figure out which one was said, and then it followed up with "deplorable" again, like it made sure we heard it. (After listening again, it could even be saying "adorable." What do you think?)

1:06:38: "Demon." That's usually our cue to leave an investigation.

1:06:58: "Sweet suffering."

1:07:09: "Insulted."
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