AM or FM ~ Forward or Reverse Sweep ~ What Is Best? ~ Asking the Spirits ~ Shine On Paranormal ✨

AM or FM ~ Forward or Reverse Sweep ~ What Is Best? ~ Asking the Spirits ~ Shine On Paranormal ✨

Today we ask the spirits. What is better for you. AM or FM? Let’s see.

But what actually is the difference between AM and FM radio?
Both are methods of encoding and broadcasting radio signals. The difference is how they do that. Radio signals travel as electromagnetic waves — invisible to us, but as fast as the speed of light, and on the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.

Talk about ghost electromagnetic

If you’ve ever been alone in an old house or graveyard at night, it might seem like every little sound is amplified and menacing. The hair on the back of your neck stands up and you feel like someone is watching you. Even if though you don’t believe in ghosts, in certain spooky situations it’s not difficult to imagine a ghostly apparition coming to get you. So, what’s causing your normally rational brain to conjure ghosts and make you feel paranoid? It might be that a nearby electromagnetic field is bringing back the dead.
Magnetic fields have interesting effects on living creatures. Earth’s magnetic field protects us from cosmic rays and solar winds. It also helps different animals navigate or even determine up from down. But sometimes magnetic fields can have scary effects on our brains, such as causing hallucinations and ghostly sightings.
Paranormal researchers and ghost hunters believe ghosts can generate electromagnetic fields of their own. They believe ghosts are able to induce spooky events such as flickering lights or doors opening and closing mysteriously by manipulating the electromagnetic field. If you see a ghost hunter carrying a mysterious device, it’s probably an electromagnetic field (EMF) detector.
Several haunted locations are known to have unusually strong magnetic fields or fluctuations. This is why many ghost hunters and paranormal researchers believe ghosts possess electromagnetic energy. But according to scientific research one of the effects of electromagnetic fields on the brain is to feel a ghostly presence. Electromagnetic stimulation of some parts of the brain can make you feel like someone is standing behind you.
When magnetic fields can alter a person’s morality or affect their speech, it doesn’t seem too far that they can also induce hallucinations. So, while it might seem like electromagnetism has the power to raise the dead, it’s probably just the weird effect magnetic fields can have on your brain.
If you do believe in ghosts, you can test the haunted area for magnetic flux just like a real ghost hunter by using an EMF device. You can make your own EMF detector and start looking for ghosts!

Now, this is where it starts to get a little confusing. And it’s got to do with the words we use.
Radio waves are around us all the time, but we can’t detect them on our own. They are a long-wave form of electromagnetic radiation. So, more confusingly, radio waves are part of the same spectrum as light, not sound! That’s why they travel as fast as light.

Radio waves can’t be “heard” and have nothing to do with sound waves. Sound waves are mechanical vibrations of air particles (which is why sound travels so much slower than light, at a speed of 767 mph), but radio waves are electromagnetic energy and a part of the same spectrum as light. So they travel at about 670,080,887 mph. Like, real fast.

The major disadvantage of AM is that the signal is affected by electrical storms and other radio frequency interference.

AM radio ranges from 535 to 1705 kilohertz, whereas FM radio ranges in a higher spectrum from 88 to 108 megahertz. For AM radio, stations are possible every 10 kHz and FM stations are possible every 200 kHz.

Today, speech broadcasting (such as talk and news channels) still prefers to use AM, while music channels are solely FM.

#spiritbox #spiritsession #ghostbox
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