Darby Lee Cemetery _ Legend of Fiddler's Green

Darby Lee Cemetery _ Legend of Fiddler's Green

Daywalkers Paranormal visits Darby Lee Cemetery in Cincinnati to investigate the legend of Fiddler's Green.
The Legend of Fiddler’s Green
On certain nights, a green light can be seen floating up along the tombstones of Darby-Lee Cemetery in Cincinnati, and the eerie sound of a fiddle can be heard slipping along the green grass nearly hiding the aged graves and then along through the woods. . .
Darby-Lee Cemetery is tucked into the woodland overlooking the Ohio River in Delhi Township of Cincinnati. It is small, protected by an aged wooden fence and has about 17 ancient gravestones surrounding a pale obelisk in the center. This center monument, grayed with age, belongs to the landowner, a man by the name of Henry Darby (1781-1852) who was also an avid abolitionist. During the early 1800s, Mister Darby would walk to the tall hill that overlooked the Ohio River below, light his lantern and play his fiddle to signal safety to the escaping slaves crossing over the river from Kentucky. Not long after he died and was buried at the very place he summoned so many to safety, people began to see the glow of his lantern bobbing around the cemetery. They would hear the ghostly, shrill sounds of his fiddle sweeping between the hills and down to the river, still beckoning to those below it was safe to cross.
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