Espíritos do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro #investigaçãoparanormal @cacafantasmasbrasil

Espíritos do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro #investigaçãoparanormal @cacafantasmasbrasil

Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro Série Investigação Paranormal
Porto Alegre RS - setembro 2011
Contato CFB

Link da parte 1 da investigação Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro História CFB#592 Caça Fantasmas Brasil

Come take part in the “Família Pede Ajuda” episodes/visits (Help for Families) – If you need help solving supernatural issues in your household and/or involving your family, send us a detailed description of the event(s) and your name and address. Our e-mail address is: . You are just required to pay for travel expenses, which include: fuel (we drive), road transport tolls, food, lodging expenses and a production fee (visits are filmed and shown on our YouTube channel).
Link da Loja do cfb

Be sure to subscribe to our channel: Cortes do Caça Fantasmas Brasil

Online Private Video Sessions with Rosa - These sessions are meant to give you full guidance on your life organization, help with issues that trouble you, as Rosa describes facts and situations objectively while showing you possible paths to follow and their outcomes. She also helps with finding the best thing to do. Rosa is a straightforward honest person who will tell you the truth, even when that is not what you are expecting to hear, because she has great respect for freewill as well as brings objective information to help you with decision-making. Spirits of relatives or dear ones who used to be close usually come forward and make contact, trying to get their messages through. Subjects which are never covered: gambling, third party issues, police investigations. We do not carry out any kind of spiritual service nor are we linked to any religious beliefs. Sessions with Rosa can be individual, for couples or companies and last 30 to 45 minutes in average. WhatsApp: +55(11)9999 66649 (for online sessions only). Contact e-mail - (for Família Pede Ajuda - Help for Families)
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