Frankenstein Castle

Frankenstein Castle

Frankenstein Castle
Ghost Hunters Investigation

Frankenstein Castle gained international attention when the SyFy TV-Show Ghost Hunters International made a whole episode about the castle in 2008 (Episode 107) and testified it would have "significant paranormal activity". At the castle, the investigators meet with a Frankenstein expert who guided Robb Demarest, Andy Andrews, Brian Harnois and their colleague through the castle and discussed its various legends and paranormal sightings. After discussing their personal experiences, the team used audio and video devices for their investigation. Sounds from the chapel and the entrance tower sounded like words and a ultrasonic recorder picked up signals in the chapel. A recorded sound was identified as a phrase in Old German that means "Arbo is here" which was interpreted as "Arbo" probably meaning "Arbogast", the name of a knight of the castle, announcing his presence and claim over the land. A second sound bite was interpreted as meaning "come here". The team left Frankenstein Castle convinced that there is some sort of paranormal activity going onBefore 1250, Lord Conrad II Reiz of Breuberg built Frankenstein Castle and thereafter named himself von und zu Frankenstein. The Odenwald, the mountain range on which Frankenstein Castle is located, is a landscape with dark forests and narrow valleys shrouded in mystery and enshrined in legend. Many folktales and myths exist about Frankenstein Castle.

1673 Johann Conrad Dippel was born in the castle, where he was later engaged as a professional alchemist.
Dippel created an animal oil known as Dippel's Oil which was supposed to be the equivalent to the alchemists' dream of the "elixir of life." At one point, Dippel attempted to purchase Castle Frankenstein in exchange for his elixir formula, which he claimed he had recently discovered; the offer was turned down.[5] There are also rumours that during his stay at Frankenstein Castle, Dippel practiced not only alchemy but also anatomy and may have performed experiments on dead bodies that he exhumed. There are rumours that he dug up bodies and performed medical experiments on them at the castle and that a local cleric would have warned his parish that Dippel had created a monster that was brought to life by a bolt of lightning. There are local people who still claim today that this actually happened and that this tale was related to Shelley’s stepmother by the Grimm brothers, the German fairy-tale writers.

Lord Georg and the Dragon

Frankenstein forest
Frankenstein Castle is rich in legends. One of the most famous legends is about Lord Georg and a dragon, by August Nodnagel (1803-1853). It is said that long ago a dangerous dragon lived near the well at Frankenstein. The peasants of a neighbouring village (Nieder-Beerbach) went to Lord Georg of Frankenstein, a brave knight, and poured out their troubles and he promised to help. So he put on his armour and rode to the well where the dragon was taking a rest in the sun. Lord Georg got off his horse and attacked the enemy. The dragon fought for his life, puffed and spewed out fire and steam. Finally the knight was victorious. But as the beast struggled in agony, it coiled its tail with the poisonous spine around the knight’s leg and stung. Lord Georg reached his castle with great difficulty and died from his wound three days later. Nowadays you can still visit his tomb in the church of Nieder Beerbach, in the valley on the east side of the castle.

Fountain of youth

Hidden behind the herb garden of the castle, there is a fountain of youth. The word has it that in the first full-moon night after Walpurgis Night old women from the nearby villages had to undergo tests of courage. The one who succeeded became rejuvenated to the age she had been in the night of her wedding. It is not known if this tradition is still being practiced these days
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