Krvava, Bladi Meri - Urbana Legenda Koja Ledi Krv u Žilama

Krvava, Bladi Meri - Urbana Legenda Koja Ledi Krv u Žilama

Krvava Meri je duh koji se pojavljuje u ogledalu nakon sto se njeno ime izgovori 3 puta. Cesto se ova igra igra na zurkama. Vecina ljudi koji su upoznati sa ovom legendom se zaustave pre nego sto izgovore ime poslednji put. U nekim verzijama, ime duha je drugacije kao i broj koliko puta ime mora biti izgovoreno. Kao ime duha spominju se Black Agnes ili Hell Mary. Igra ide ovako: Stane se ispred ogledala u zamracenoj sobi. Ime Krvave Meri se izgovori 3 puta nakon cega se njen lik pojavljuje u ogledalu. U nekim verzijama dozivanje Meri moze uspeti: samo u ponoc, za vreme punog meseca, onaj ko je doziva mora se vrteti u krug, njeno ime se mora izgovoriti 13 puta i pritom se mora drzati upaljena sveca. U nekim verzijama, Meri je duh majke, cesto udovice, koja je ubila svoju decu. Takodje u nekim verzijama, Meri je duh mlade majke cija je beba ukradena. Ona je zatim poludela od bola i na kraju se ubila. Tada osoba koja priziva Meri mora reci: "Krvava Meri, ubio sam tvog sina." ili "Krvava Meri, ubio sam tvoju bebu." Postoji i verzija price u kojoj se duh naziva Mary Worth. U ovoj verziji Meri je greskom optuzena da je ubila svoju decu. Prizivac mora izgovoriti reci: "Verujem u Meri Worth." Ove igre su cesto test hrabrosti za onog ko je odredjen da priziva duha. Po legendi, Krvava Meri ce posle prizivanja ubiti onoga ko ju je prizvao. ubistvo je uvek opisano kao prilicno nasilno: Meri ce prizivacu iskopati oci, dovesti je do ludila ili je cak uvuci u ogledalo. U nekim legendam, osoba koja je priziva, ne sme gledati direktno u Meri. Meri se pojavljuje iza prizivaca, pa je ta osoba moze gledati samo preko ogledala. Tada ce Meri toj osobi otkriti buducnost, posebno detalje vezane za brak i decu. Mnogi veruju da je Krvava Meri povezana sa engleskom kraljicom Meri I. Ona je u istoriji poznata kao Krvava Meri. Kraljica je imala mnogo dece (17-oro), ali su sva umrla jos u detinjstvu. Po verovanjima, Meri je izludela zbog gubitka dece.

~ Urban Legend - "Bloody Mary"
Bloody Mary is a ghost that appears in the mirror after her name spoken three times. Often this game is played at the party. Most people who are familiar with the legend of the stop before it excuses last name. In some versions, the name of the spirit is different and the number of times the name should be pronounced. As the name of the spirit mentioned Black Agnes or Mary Hell. The game goes like this: The apartment is in front of the mirror in a darkened room. Name Bloody Mary is uttered three times, after which her character appears in the mirror. In some versions of the invocation of Mary can succeed: only at midnight during a full moon, the one who calls must be spinning in circles, her name must say it 13 times and thereby must be held lighted candles. In some versions, the spirit of Mary's mother, often widows, who killed their children. Also, in some versions, Mary is the spirit of a young mother whose baby was stolen. It is then your mind from the pain and eventually killed. Then the person who invokes Mary must say, "Bloody Mary, I killed your son." or "Bloody Mary, I killed your baby." There is also a version of the story where the spirit called Mary Worth. In this version, Mary was mistakenly accused of having killed their own children. Appellant must say the words: "I believe in Mary Worth." These games are often a test of courage for someone who is certain to stir the spirit. According to legend, Bloody Mary will after invocation kill whoever it is invoked. Murder is always described as a rather violent: Mary appellant will scratch your eyes out, bring it to madness or even tuck into a mirror. In some legends, the person who invokes, can not look directly at Mary. Mary appears behind appellant, and that person can only be viewed through a mirror. Then Mary will that person discover the future, and details related to marriage and children. Many believe that Bloody Mary is associated with the English Queen Mary I. She is known in history as Bloody Mary. The Queen had many children (17-oro), but they all died in childhood. According to belief, Mary was perturbed by the loss of children.
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