Lincoln's Funeral Train (Live) | LTP #051

Lincoln's Funeral Train (Live) | LTP #051

Lincoln's Funeral Train (Live) | LTP #051

In this episode of Let' Talk Paranormal Live, we will be discussing the Lincoln Funeral Train and about Abraham Lincoln's return path to Springfield, Illinois.

On April 21, 1865, a train carrying the coffin of assassinated President Abraham Lincoln leaves Washington, D.C. on its way to Springfield, Illinois, where he would be buried on May 4. The train carrying Lincoln’s body traveled through 180 cities and seven states on its way to Lincoln’s home state of Illinois. Scheduled stops for the special funeral train were published in newspapers.

At each stop, Lincoln’s coffin was taken off the train, placed on an elaborately decorated horse-drawn hearse and led by solemn processions to a public building for viewing. In cities as large as Columbus, Ohio, and as small as Herkimer, New York, thousands of mourners flocked to pay tribute to the slain president. In Philadelphia, Lincoln’s body lay in state on in the east wing of Independence Hall, the same site where the Declaration of Independence was signed. Newspapers reported that people had to wait more than five hours to pass by the president’s coffin in some cities.

PANICd Paranormal History Videos - Our Haunted Travels is a series of paranormal history videos that we provide the history of the location, the ghost stories and folklore, the paranormal claims, our personal experiences, and why we believe the location could be haunted. Be sure to follow along with our adventures where we feature a new location we have visited each week at:

Ghost Stories and Folklore are paranormal history videos that will cover the paranormal claims at the particular locations. On occasion, we may deviate from a location and provide some sort of creepy pasta or urban legend video. These videos are narrated by our mascot "Boris" to add that special creepy effect to the videos. So sit back, listen, and enjoy. You can see the complete catalog of Ghost Stories and Folklore Videos we have at: #haunted #exploring #history

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