QUEER Ghost Hunters-Hunt QUEER Ghosts! PART 12: The "Ladies Wing"!

QUEER Ghost Hunters-Hunt QUEER Ghosts! PART 12: The "Ladies Wing"!

The team levels up when they head up to the wing of dark cells where queer inmates were housed separately. The team leader tries wearing lipstick to attracts entities. Queer Ghost Hunters: Real people hunting queer ghosts.

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Queer Ghost Hunters is a docu series about real people making contact with LGBTQ ghosts. They unearth the hidden stories of lost LGBTQ lives. Subscribe free for episodes. Short enough to watch during NFL half time. Streamable when the hurricane has downed your power lines. This series rivals the It movie! But review it for yourself.

We are chatty on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/queerghosthu...

We tweet our latest findings at @queerghosthunt


The coverage of us has been pretty damn hilarious:

"A queer ghost hunt at Trump’s house" http://mashable.com/2017/09/07/trump-...




This series is a production of Interrobang Productions: http://stumaddux.com/

It's other productions are also about LGBT history and aging:

Reel In The Closet http://closetreel.com
a documenary about LGBT home movies dating back to the 1930s

Gen Silent: http://gensilent.com/
a documentary about LGBT older people going back into the closet because they fear the people taking care of them.
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