Scabies Outbreak Fun! | Office Horror Stories

Scabies Outbreak Fun! | Office Horror Stories

Scabies Outbreak Fun!
Employees in the world of housekeeping come across a lot of crazy things… But how crazy can it get in a nursing home? What may be asked of them from the residents? Today we find out on Office Horror Stories!
Here’s a preview of the office horror story we will be talking about:
“Our facility was preparing for “state” to come in. My department was busting ass deep cleaning, changing curtains, etc.
WELL the whole week prior to this, we had complaints from a handful of residents about the new soap we were using in the laundry. They all had the same rash. But we never switched soap. Nurses were notified, and nothing more was said.
So, we’re doing the curtain changes and deep cleans. That means every single room. It was almost time for my shift to be over, I start finishing up my work and putting my equipment away when my boss comes up to me. She said we were having a meeting with the administrator and the director of nursing, in the 3 years I worked there that had never happened. We go to the meeting, it’s just the nurses and housekeepers. So, I’m weirded out.
They calmly explain that they finally decided to investigate the “rash” that was dismissed almost immediately the week prior. They explained that all the residents had it now and asked if any of us had it. A few of the nurses had a couple spots, but my department had none.
Without warning, the administration announced that our facility has had scabies our break and they were only treating the employees who had the rash, everyone else was free to go. Housekeeping was asked to remove all the curtains, recliners, pillows, and clothes from every single room.”

If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.
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