Schizophrenia or Possession? | Real Case Investigation Study

Schizophrenia or Possession? | Real Case Investigation Study

Indian Paranormal Society was approached by a friend of the client as the family thought that the client was possessed. When we spoke to the family, they informed us that the client was taken for a medical check-up and the neurologist after several tests informed the family that the client is Schizophrenic (Paranoia Stage). This stage of schizophrenia is characterized by symptoms like delusions and hallucinations where the line between what is real and what isn't is very thin. Paranoid Schizophrenia usually starts during late adolescence to early adulthood.

In our case as well, we were informed by the family that the client had this since she was16 years of age (at the time of the investigation, the client was in her mid-thirties). Symptoms of Paranoid Schizophrenia: (Please refer to the website for more details on Schizophrenia)

Early symptoms of schizophrenia may seem rather ordinary and could be explained by a number of other factors. This includes socializing less often with friends, irregular sleeping pattern, irritability, or a drop in grades, lack of attention/focus, etc. During the onset of schizophrenia — otherwise known as the prodromal phase — negative symptoms mount. These negative symptoms might include an increasing lack of motivation, decreasing the inability to pay attention or social isolation.

Warning signs that psychosis may be imminent include:

Seeing, hearing, or tasting things that others do not.
Suspiciousness and a general fear of others intentions.
Persistent, unusual thoughts or beliefs.
Difficulty thinking clearly.
Withdrawing from family or friends.
A significant decline in self-care.

Please Note - **Displaying all these symptoms doesn’t necessarily indicate the presence of schizophrenia, but these are indications that a mental health evaluation is required. If the person is experiencing the onset of schizophrenia, early intervention is the best chance of a positive outcome.**

The symptoms of schizophrenia—things like hallucinations and delusions—are less likely to go unnoticed. After the prodromal phase, the patient enters the active phase of schizophrenia, during which they experience debilitating thoughts and perceptual distortions. They may experience impaired motor or cognitive functions, including disorganized speech and disorganized or catatonic behaviour.

The paranoia in paranoid schizophrenia stems from delusions—firmly held beliefs that persist despite evidence to the contrary — and hallucinations — seeing or hearing things that others do not. Both of these experiences can be persecutory or threatening in nature. A patient may hear a voice or voices in their head that they do not recognize as their own thoughts or internal voice. These voices can be demeaning or hostile, driving a person to do things they would not do otherwise.

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**IPS strives to educate people regarding different types of paranormal activity. If you know of anyone who is showing the above symptoms, please advise them to take medical help instead of approaching any babas or tantriks. If the medical reports are clear, please reach out to paranormal teams for help.**

In this particular case, the family was misguided by self-proclaimed experts/babas/tantriks who made them believe that the girl (client) was possessed. The family was convinced that the girl had 7 spirits residing within her and they decided to stop the medical treatment or get any kind of help from medical/mental health professional which they were supposed to avail in order to improve her (client) condition.

** If you encounter anything like this or know of someone who is going through a similar experience, please avail professional help. We request you all to be reasonable and get professional help before coming to any conclusions.**

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