SPIRITUAL CLEANSING. If I was told this at the start of my journey, Things would've been easier.

SPIRITUAL CLEANSING. If I was told this at the start of my journey, Things would've been easier.

So this video is all about cleansing and taking care of your spiritual energy. This is some of the practical tips that work for me, so take what works for you and leave the rest.

So as you guys will remember I put out a video last week all about Protecting your home, this week’s “Spiritual Spotlight” video is all about cleansing yourself from negative energies and influences. I have had to do this a lot over the years and so I have developed these tools which over time have helped me on this journey, and honestly if I knew then what I know now it would have been a much easier journey.

So some of the techniques I talk about are, salt baths, sage, cleansing using water, other plant based aromas and much more.

I also consider meditation to be a valuable cleaning tool, which I use whenever I am feeling under pleasure, stressed or needing answers. I meet with my higher self, converse with those in spirit or I just take some time out for me.

You will find the technique that works for you and there are so many that it would be impossible for me to cover it in one video. So what I have tried to do is go to the basics, which is to help you understand what is actually going on when your energy field takes on foreign energies, or ends up in a state where a cleansing is needed.

The one that works for me the most is helping others, the ability to be able to understand another person’s journey, even if I don’t agree with it and still be able to help them, if they wish to help themselves is what gives me the biggest feeling of letting go of unwanted energies.

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