The Haunted Monroe House located in Hartford City,Indiana: D.I.G goes to find out. Vid 1: basement

The Haunted Monroe House located in Hartford City,Indiana: D.I.G goes to find out. Vid 1: basement

Last week we investigated a this house, after being asked by the owner to do so. I wasn't for sure if I should believe all the rumors, but after the investigation, I have no doubt at least most are true. This is video #1, we started in the basement. It wasn't the most interesting part of the night, but solid audio evidence was recorded down there.
What some have said about it: #1 I have heard stories about the house.I guess a child's ghost is said to be haunting the place,But I never new the location of the building until my new neighbor told me. I drive right past it after work.Just happened to look up at the windows and there it stood.I thought it was black smoke,like the place was on fire.It slide out of the window.It's day light. #2 I LIVE IN HARTFORD CITY AND HAVE SINCE I WAS A KID. THIS HOUSE IS WELL KNOWN TO THE LOCAL RESIDENTS AND THE STORY OF THE CHILD WHO DIED IN THE STRANGE FIRE BEING SEEN IN THE UPSTAIRS WINDOW. LIGHTS ON AND OFF ALL HOURS OF THE DAY AND NIGHT. I DON'T BELIEVE IN THE PARANORMAL BUT I HAVE SEEN THINGS IN THIS HOUSE THAT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED. #3 This house is the real deal. I have seen lights come on and off all hours of the night upstairs, the doors are pad locked shut and nobody lives in this house. I have seen a shadow figure move across the windows several times. Very strange! The monroe house has been really active lately.A lot of people have reported to the owners of the property that the lights are coming on and turning off.Also there has been several sightings of what appears to be someone moving past the windows. #4 I HAVE BEEN TOLD BY FRIENDS THAT A NEIGHBORH NEXT DOOR TO THE MONROE ST HOUSE KEEPS SEEING A BLACK HUMAN FIGURE IN THE UPSTAIRS WINDOW THAT DOES NOT MOVE ...THEY CALL POLICE THINKING SOMEONE HAS BROKEN IN BUT WHEN LOCAL COPS COME ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS ARE LOCKED AND THEY CAN NOT FIND ANY INTRUDERS. AND WHEN THE COPS SHOW UP THE BLACK FIGURE IS GONE..THIS HAS HAPPENED ABOUT 3 TIMES SINCE MARCH 2012
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