Tormented By Poltergeist

Tormented By Poltergeist

Tormented By Poltergeist

What happens when a family is tormented by poltergeist activity for many, many years? What kind of lasting impact does it make on the members of the family from children to adults? Today we find out.

One listener writes: “My mother was tormented with poltergeist activities in Baghdad city back from 1957 to 1960, in our old Turkish style house.
My mother was pushed from the stairs and broke her elbow. I got slapped by an unseen force when I used to go to the old kitchen area.
My brother Sam was a sleepwalker, and he used to say that a voice tells him to go upstairs and jump from the top of the house my mother saved him twice. Once he was standing on the edge of the house in Baghdad.”

My mother used to read from the holy book and clean the place, put candles and used to ask for permission to go about certain areas of that old house and when I ask her to whom she was talking she told me that these unseen forces can harm us if we provoke them so we must be careful and always keep the place clean. Many times, blankets will be pulled so suddenly from us, and my mom runs to the room, praying until they stop. Dishes and kitchen items used to fall from the shelves without reason. My dad used to blame my mother for not being careful as he never believes in the Jinn or those unseen elementary spirits. The old house has the water well beside modern sinks and water pipes.

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