True Crime Mystery: Who is The Zodiac Killer, D.B. Cooper: Revealed by Psychic Investigator

True Crime Mystery: Who is The Zodiac Killer, D.B. Cooper: Revealed by Psychic Investigator

COLD Case File: Unsolved True Crime, The Zodiac Unsolved Crime Spree and disappearance of D.B, Cooper, hijacker. Who are they - The Zodiac Killer is an unidentified serial killer who terrorized the state of California in the late 1960s. and D.B. Cooper, A man who parachuted out of an airplane in 1971 with a bag full of stolen cash has never been seen again in one of the great unsolved mysteries in FBI history. Psychic-Medium, Serenity Jenny, will use her psychic abilities to unveil the truth, secrets strangeness of the unsolved cases . She also assists assist law enforcement in solving missing person cases. Live tonight on Paranormal Zone TV PODCAST - Drew Beeson and Serenity Jenny, Psychic-Medium.

Guest: Serenity Jenny, Psychic Medium
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724-953-9733 Or 724-953-1931 to schedule

Drew Beeson : True Crime Researcher, Author of 5 books
Youtube Channel - True Crime and Missing People

Host: Norene Sampiere Balovich #paranormalzonetv
Jan. 18, 2024
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