Voice speaking while on white noise radio station - i was amazed!

Voice speaking while on white noise radio station - i was amazed!

So, the video explains it pretty good, but I had done a session and at the end of the session i just put it on a station where there was just white noise.. and noticed what sounded like a voice patern coming from static... it was pausing, then coming through.. the pattern of the static to me sounded like symbols like someone was speaking.. I had a feeling that it was my mom.. so I started to reference them as mom.. upon playback i found out it was not my mom but Tabatha, a name that has been coming through for over a year now.. Im sure you guys will be able to make out much more than I did

I was so surprised that I had the radio just sitting there on a white noise station and this voice just kept coming through. I have had similar things happen before, usually when I ask questions or if im going to talk more than a sec ill put it on a silent station, speak, and then begin scanning again.. there have been times I will pick up a voice that I could not hear in real time.. but this time I could hear everytime they were speaking, i just couldnt make it out.
I had a good idea that I would be able to make some of it out upon playback and thankfully I was.. I will try this again later and see if I can get it to repeat
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