212 | 16th December 2020 05.37hrs. Above the false ceiling. Multiple unexplained sounds. CHESTER.

212 | 16th December 2020 05.37hrs. Above the false ceiling. Multiple unexplained sounds. CHESTER.

Now with review commentary
Movie 212 | 16th December 2020 05.37hrs. Above the false ceiling area.
To help try and locate a possible sound source for the high number of raps and sounds from this room, on the 13th December CCTV cameras have were installed in other places such as above the false ceiling area for monitoring vermin or similar. No alarms have been received so far showing any form of vermin, bird or similar.

In this capture, a loud shuffling sound is heard which triggered the CCTV camera alert system.
The gap between the false ceiling and the roof in no more than two feet. The false ceiling also has no strong frame and unable to take the weight of a human.

This shuffling sound is followed by multiple noises throughout the video. Unable to determine what caused these sounds. The frequency spread of the first noise is huge.


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