Sir Winston & The Puppy Good Life - Adopted June 30th 2019

Sir Winston & The Puppy Good Life - Adopted June 30th 2019

I adopted Winston June 30th 2019 from the Incline Village shelter so he is a rescue shortly after the loss of my beloved American Bulldog Rascal passed away. Winston was only a couple months old as a matter in fact he was about 19lbs according to the vet when I took him for shots that week. He is a German Shepherd/Hound Mix to be more specific a black cur hound also known as a cattle dog. When I adopted him he was named goofy I changed it to Winston because its very wild western and most of the adventuring we do is across the beautiful west.

I put together a series of small clips from when he was just a puppy thought it would be a nice pet project. I hope that this will inspire others to rescue dogs that need a forever home. Some of the things your going to see is Winston chasing his tail, barking, chasing a football, playing with toys, giving hugs and even celebrating his birthday. These are generally small clips I filmed at home however I have countless hours of footage of him hiking, camping and exploring ghost towns with me which over the next series of years I will release to the public.

Winston was a really great puppy he never really chewed anything and he learned how to go outside within a few weeks. He probably is the smartest dog I ever been around to be honest! I take him everywhere with me to work, hardware store, out for rides, camping, fishing, hiking etc. He is a very unique dog he had giant paws even at two months old and by the time he reached one he was easily a hundred pounds. He is around five feet tall when he stands on his hind legs and his back reaches to the top of my patio table so definitely long legs and he loves to run. He has a huge pile of toys we keep in the den and every night he takes them all out because he loves to play. His best friends are cats and he loves my home cooking.

Winston is going to make a wonderful addition to our little family and a member of The Paranormal & Ghost Society adventure team. I guess I try to give others a birds eye view of my life and how important my pets are to me otherwise I would not produce films like this. At the end of the video is some photos of his first year as a puppy with music if you have time for cuddles and a little cuteness. There may be a few repeats but I tried to include as many of his puppy photos I could find for this tribute.

I did not include his outdoor adventure photos I have hundreds of those so if you want to keep track of his adventures please add me an facebook at and check back time to time on our website at he is only 1.5 years old and we already have a couple thousand photos of him exploring ghost towns so he definitely gets around.

He also is a beloved member of our basketball team so when I coach he comes with me and lays on the court while we ball. I am so happy to be able to share a part of his early years with all of you! You can ask anybody that has been around him and they will tell you he is one of the most well mannered dogs they ever met and I am proud to have raised such a handsome boy.

Fall of the Solar King by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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